

The number one swim diaper, Huggies Little Swimmers, partnered with the number one swimmer to help babies everywhere become better swimmers. Michael Phelps announced that he is training his son Boomer and babies all around the world for 2032. We educated parents on swim and safety tips through a series of training videos.

Recognition: Cannes | Shortlist | Social Influencer, The One Show | Merit | Social Influencer Episodic, The One Show | Merit | Social Influencer Multi Channel, London International | Silver | Social

The number one swim diaper, Huggies Little Swimmers, partnered with the number one swimmer to help babies everywhere become better swimmers. Michael Phelps announced that he is training his son Boomer and babies all around the world for 2032. We educated parents on swim and safety tips through a series of training videos.

Training for 2032

Cannes | Shortlist | Social Influencer
One Show | Merit | Social Influencer Episodic
One Show | Merit | Social Influencer Multi Channel
LIA | Silver | Social
