
31 Bullets

There are 10 billion bullets sold in the U.S. every year. That equates to 31 bullets for every man, woman and child. The Chicago Sun-Times is tired of writing about the terrible damage that these bullets cause, so we've worked with them to create 31 actions people can take to counteract gun violence. These illustrated bullets exist online at 31bullets.suntimes.com where individuals can take direct action through signing petitions from gun reform organizations, contacting politicians, contributing donations, etc.

31 Bullets / Chicago Sun-Times

Cannes | Silver | Design
Cannes | 3 Shortlists | Design & Craft
LIA | Silver | Use of Illustration
LIA | 4 Bronze | Art Direction & Design
D&AD | 2 Shortlists | Design & Art Direction - Illustration
One Show | 3 Merits | Design & Art Direction | Direct
